Home » Client Stories » Prudential PLC
As part of its suite of Group leadership development programmes, Prudential wanted a new talent programme to build a diverse pipeline of promotable, innovative, confident, and collaborative future leaders, able to challenge their own assumptions, take action contrary to their norm, address the entire situation not just their part, and lean into difficult problems and conversations.
The first four-day module, in London, focused on the four corners of an Intrapreneurial mindset: leadership, technology, design thinking and change. Participants were exposed to macro forces of disruption and immersed in the digital revolution. They were encouraged to lean into challenges and opportunities, equipped with adaptive leadership and design thinking tools, and invited to distil, crystallise and hone their unique leadership signatures.
The second five-day module, in Asia, put the ideas from module 1 into practice, innovating in a Hot House in multi-cultural, multi-functional teams, with all participants receiving detailed observer feedback and coaching on next generation capabilities like openness, listening, curiosity, reflection, influence, creativity, and courage.
“We are part of a much bigger and positive force working to make changes and help people globally. I always knew I was a part of something special, but had no idea exactly how special and how fabulous the opportunity really is until this experience. We can absolutely make a difference from the inside out” – Prudential Next Generation participant
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