The Enterprise Action LabTM

The Enterprise Action Lab (EAL) is an agile leadership development process that engages any population – high flyers, project and cross functional teams, leadership teams – in solving complex business challenges ~ and at the same time creates a powerful opportunity for personal growth.  EAL brings the context for leadership together with its development.

EAL teams coalesce around a strategic aspiration and employ agile ways of working to solve complex organisational changes.  Each team is wrapped in a framework of subject matter expertise, agile coaching, and vertical leadership development.

Our EAL guides ensure teams deliver organisational change while maximising their learning from the experience.  EAL projects are developmental because their solutions take account of complexity and the potential for resistance and conflict during the experience.  EAL challenges the notion of the current culture and contextual landscape, builds networks and lateral relationships, and provides opportunities to collaborate and strengthen ties across borders.  The EAL experience pushes participants to take responsibility and be less subject to the environment around them.

EAL teams may be joined by external partners, such as high potentials from NGOs, who bring fresh perspectives and challenge dominant organisational biases and norms.

What we do

  • We custom-build a time-bound Enterprise Action Lab to solve an organisation’s complex strategic and cultural challenges.
  • We create a structured development pathway for participants with three phases: mobilise ~ diagnose ~ transform.
  • We provide a dynamic and integrated blend of online and offline modules for the EAL teams including virtual facilitation, curated learning resources, exposure to ‘remarkable’ people, developmental coaching, and programme management.
  • We systematically track each EAL team’s performance and development, to increase the likelihood of a positive organisational impact.
  • We systematically track each participant’s progress and leadership development, ensuring they look beyond the project to tap broader and deeper sources of intuition, curiosity and inspiration.

Client Stories