Home » Collaborative Organisation » Senior Leadership Teams
Senior Leadership teams comprise individuals who are individually accountable for a part of the organisation and collectively responsible for ensuring all the parts operate as a coherent whole.
Our work with senior teams sets the development of individuals and the collective within the context of meaningful leadership work. The starting point is the identification of a transformation opportunity, such as digitization, innovation, new ways of working, changes in consumer behaviour, sustainability, shifting industry ecosystems and, of course, culture change.
Because transformation is always an adaptive challenge not a technical problem, it is essential the team does not try to solve the challenge with the same level of thinking that created it.
With a compelling opportunity statement defined we create an integrated pathway of organisation, team, and personal development. We challenge the team to reach out, engage, and empower the people closest to the problem to develop experiments and solutions. We expose the team to tools for adaptive change. We invite the team to reflect on breakthroughs and breakdowns in the context of ‘vertical growth’, and challenge frames, values and immunities that constrain leadership and change. We encourage individuals to lead with courage and resilience in facing the challenges of change and in making tough choices.
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